
如何升级到 Tor

尽早升级至Tor的理由是: 1) Tor团队置换了7台服务器中的2台服务器的授权服务密钥(Authorities Keys),起因是由于这2台服务器被黑,但所幸的是侵入Tor服务器的黑客只是想利用这2台服务器的计算资源(CPU capacity & Bandwidth),并没有触碰Tor核心的目录授权服务(Directory Authorities),具体详情请参见<Tor Project Infrastructure Updates>;2) 修正了通过dbg-stability.txt的目录请求(Directory Queries)可能获得其所能追踪到的全部网桥ID(Bridges Identities)的1个Bug,具体详情请参见<Tor Released> 。


1. 在Windows升级Tor
直接到Tor官方站点下载Tor ,然后安装之(原先Tor安装版本不需要删除)。

2. 在Ubuntu下升级Tor

Step1. 在Terminal中执行如下命令:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade --show-upgraded

Step2. 在Ubuntu软件更新列表里选择Tor Debian包源:
你可以通过System>Administration>Software Sources>Other Software,或者通过直接编辑/etc/apt/sources.list文件,确保
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org karmic main
deb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org karmic main
处在软件更新列表中;另外,需要注意的是须将上文中的karmic置换成Ubuntu相应的版本代号,比如: hardy

Step3. 设置系统级代理

Step4. 重新执行Step1
跟随apt-get upgrade的提示,升级Tor至0.2.1.22 。

Step5. 移除系统级代理设置

One or more projects in the solution could not be loaded

You will see a dialog box just like the following when you try to open a .sln file if you using Visual Studio and TFS:

"One or more projects in the solution could not be loaded for the following reason(s):
The project file or web has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer.
These project will be labeled as unavailable in Solution Explorer. Expand the project node to 
show the reason the project could not be loaded."

Whatever you did before, if you can't get your job done, try this way and you'll be lucky:  
1. Check out the .sln file and open it with any your favored text editor.
2. Adjust the following sections in the .sln file to the correct paths and names:
Project("{dummy-solution-guid}") = "dummy-project-name", "dummy-project-path\dummy-project-name.csproj", "{dummy-project-guid)}"
    SccProjectUniqueNameN = dummy-project-path\\dummy-project-name.csproj
    SccProjectNameN = dummy-project-name
    SccLocalPathN = dummy-project-path
3. Delete the .vssscc files under the .sln folder and dummy projects folders.
4. Open the .sln file and save it then close it.
5. Re-Open the .sln file and check it in TFS.